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Problem Solving and a Week of Frustration

Hi Friends!! So it's been a long week. I have been trying to keep up with CFD while also building this site, but let me just say, technology is NOT my thing. So the goals for this week were to get the RedBubble site up and running (I did, see the home page :P ) and to get this site fully finished. Now that sounds like a simple task. Wrong. User error and carelessness really killed productivity this week in terms of trial and error. So let's break this up into parts.

  1. Building the Wix site.

So I started this site almost a month ago, and I had the layout done and I had put up blog posts, which Wix makes incredibly easy. But. There were some formatting issues, such as the header taking up half of the webpage, that I really wanted to fix. I also wanted to get my RedBubble linked here as well as social medias and about us pages. Hopefully I will have that done by the time anyone reads this. I kind of forgot about it till I was typing. As I said, b

rain is chaos. But that is because I spent 4 HOURS trying to reformat the page. So. Before anyone wastes the energy and mental frustration (screaming, throwing p

aper wads, calling reinforcements, all of the above), did you know, before you can change the size of a section on your Wix page, you have got to change the size of the element boxes inside. Because that fixed all my problems. I do owe my computer an apology, because I blamed the "Change size" button not working on my 2014 Apple MacBook Air, when in reality it was user error.

So moral of the story all the boxes on your Wix site, are not as confusing as you think, but they do not interact well and you have to fix one before you can fix the other.

2. Getting the RedBubble store up

The other episode of Julie not thinking

straight was on the RedBubble storefront. I went to start it last week, and I wanted it to be up and running by the next day to show a few higher ups. Well. It was not. And there was a line at the bottom that says that RedBubble has to do a once-over to avoid scammers in order to get the store online. Great sounds good. I check this week and it's still not up. I go through and make sure I've got everything done, and they have a checklist for you to complete before putting your storefront up, such as adding payment methods, address, profile picture, etc. The first item is

designs, obviously, so that was the first thing I did. I added the picture (the girl with the glitter rose), but the add designs button still was not crossed out. Now. Me bein all high and mighty, I just assumed that it was still available in case I wanted to add more. No.

Moral of the story, RedBubble has you add 5 designs, even if its the same picture with different colors, before it will review the storefront. And then, it could take up to five days for it to be reviewed. I figured that out 2 days ago, so let's hope it should be up soon. However, since I was quickly trying to add designs I did find a way to easily make RedBubble designs, as well as designs for any other Print on Demand service, that was quick, easy, and a great way to bulk up your inventory. I'm off to grab a coffee and try and repeat the process while taking screenshots so I can show ya'll in the next blog post

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