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The Start of the Journey

Hi. My name is Julie. This is day 1 of trying to create a fashion brand. In reality, it is around day 57, because leading up to now has been pages and pages of research that has become near overwhelming. In trying to make the best decision, I have made excel sheets, binders, notebooks, word docs, all listing pros and cons that lead to making almost no decisions at all, which is not the best way to start a new brand. So. I figured that surely there are people out there who are like me, so I have decided to create the "Totally open, totally honest, stressed out version of a guide to creating something out of nothing."

So welcome. I have made one decision. I want to be totally honest on this blog. So, it

is my promise that there will be no backspacing, or deleting, besides obviously to fix typos to make things legible. I want to take you on the complete journey through my chaotic mind, because maybe you will laugh. Maybe you feel the same as I do. And maybe it will inspire you to do something that you may not think possible. I do not want to do "Print on demand," or "Dropshipping," which were two terms I did not even know the meaning to until recently. I want to do more of the creating, not simply selling. So here I am. I think the next step is finding a manufacturer, or several manufacturers, and coming up with designs. While doing this, I have to build the website (hey that's this,) figure out how to create draw-ups, and do a ton of research on how to really do this thing. Hopefully I am making it sound more complicated than it is, in reality, people do it everyday.

I think before manufacturing, I should probably decide what on Earth I want to create. I work full time as a microbiologist. Obviously I am a business woman as well, and I work for .cfd to help create a fashion community (which is what inspired me to do this.) So I wear a lot of hats, which in this case, means outfits. Even though I am in microbiology labs for 40 hours a week. If I wanted to, I could wear jeans and a t-shirt everyday, which trust me, some days, I do. But, what about the days that I want to go straight to a co-working space for CFD, or straight to a meeting with a manufacturer. Or what if I have a fashion show I want to attend? Or what if I want to go to the grocery store, but jus

t look cute doing it, because that just does me a little good and gives me a little boost to do the things that I really do not want to do, don't even get me started on the grocery store. I so I want to create clothes for women like me. A brand that doesn't have to follow the rules, or stick to one thing, a brand that is run by creativity, not business theme and standard.

Anyways. That's where I am at now. Maybe in the next 10 years I'll be the next Louis Vuitton, and you will say "I cannot believe this ADHD mess of a woman did it, but if she can, then I can." SO. Cheers to the adventure

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